SR Lab Instruments, Scientific Laboratory Testing Equipment

Cooling Cabinet

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Cooling Cabinet

Model No : SRL / CCH-02

Construction :

MOC of the Chamber will be: Double walled Chamber with Inner of mirror finish stainless steel 304 grade & outer of CRCA duly powder coated, PUF Insulation in between two walls.

Insulation of Walls, ceiling and floor :
80mm thick puff panels with puff in-place density of minimum of 1kg per cubic foot. Exterior metal surface of insulation puff panels or its equivalent shall be of minimum 19 gauge embossed white galvanized steel or its equivalent. Interior metal surface of insulation puff panels or its equivalent shall be of minimum 19 gauge smooth steel with baked white enamel finish or its equivalent. Exterior and interior metal surface shall not have metal-to- metal bonding. Weight 120kgs

Door :
Flush type doors of metal surfaces (as per above specification of metal) with proper puff insulation of above mentioned standard or its equivalent. Doors shall have magnetic snap-in perimeter gasket or its equivalent, self-closing cam lift gravity hinges or its equivalent, a posi-seal door closure or its equivalent. Door shall have key lockable latch handle. Doorjambs shall be made fiberglass reinforced plastic or any other suitable material compatible with constructed door.

Application :

These equipments are used for climatic & durability tests of electrical & electronic components, corrosion test on mechanical assemblies, materials for simulated tropical & extreme tropical conditions.

Salient Features :

First time in India developed by SR Lab Instruments. Standby Refrigeration, Standby Humidification & Standby safety controller with auto changeover, In case of failure of the main system, To run the system for a longer with uninterrupted operation. Also USFDA approved 21 CFR compliance software, where in case of temp. & RH fluctuation, SMS & Email alert shall be sent to registered user nos and minute details of operation of the chamber can be downloaded weekly, Monthly or Quarterly.

Certification :

MSME Award For Best Manufacturing Practices 2023.
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Co. D&B registered & CE mark product.
ISO 14001:2015 & WHO-GMP
ISO 45001:2018 & ISO/IEC 17025: 2017
NSIC & MSME registered / ROHS Compliance / UL Compliance

Safety Features :

2 minute compressor “on” delay timer to safeguard the compressor. Compressors overload relay protector. Electronic low water level cut off device to cut off the supply to boiler heater in case of low water level. Safety Temp. Controller. MCB for mains.
(I) Unit will be provided with safety devices for temperature and humidity overshoot in case of malfunction.
(ii) Built-in temp. Deviation, audio/visual alarms. Safety thermostat for over shooting of temp. Safety circuit to cut off the whole system.
(iii) OLP (Overload Protector) & Time delay Circuit for safety of compressors.
(iv) HRC fuses for compressors, Heaters & Mains.

Heating system

Imported Encolite heaters up to 2 K.W. Air Heaters are provided for heating above ambient temperatures.

Air Circulation : [Laminar Type]

The chamber is provided with best air circulation to give better temperature uniformity this is achieved by using one set of motor & blower in baffle wall Compartment to push treated air in w orking chamber. This system gives better than 1 deg c. temp. uniformity in working chamber. Uniform forced air circulate across the shelf via air diffusers on the top wall. Uniform horizontal or vertical airflow shall be provided for maintaining uniform temperature and RH in the room. System for adjustable forced air exchange shall be provided with up to 20 air exchanges per hour of fresh air to the room or its equivalent and an option to shut it down when not required. No direct radiation on the specimen.


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