Walk In Seed Germinator Model: SRL / WISG-12
Walk In Seed Germinator
Model : SRL / WISG-12
Application :
This chamber product is frequently used for research application such as lighting for plant pathology research and seedling germination and development.
Ecocentric System :
Chamber runs on the basis of Dewpoint control. Less deviations during short-term door opening & power failure. Less utility area Increased storage area. Low operating cost. Minimum power & water consumption. Reduced deviations. Less breakdowns due to standby refrigeration & humidification system. Due to PLC HMI & controlling through microprocessor based PID Temp. & RH operations the on time of both Temp. & RH system is reduced & efficiency of this system is increased with reduced energy consumption.

Controller :
Controls temperature, lighting, humidity and Co2 with
High-definition Touch Screen for real time graphing. Programs can
be configured to run in real time or elapsed time. Ramping and
non-ramping program methods shall be implemented. Multiple
programs can be linked creating complex sequence to simulate
natural conditions. Trouble shooting with on board
diagnostics. Dual experiment protection via integrated yet
independent temperature limit shutdown. It shall auto-restart when
temp inside the chamber comes to normal. Temperature low and
high deviation alarm. Ambient temperature monitoring.
Alarm (audio and visual). Power failure event logging. Auto restart
in case of power failure with inbuilt battery to protect memory.
Provides Precise Temperature, Maintains Uniform And Accurate
Growth Environment, Timer, Alarm, Auto-Tuning And Auto Start
Stop Function. Technical Design and Construction Silent Fan
Motor to Maintain Uniform Temperature Over Temperature and
Current Protection Capability Ensure User Safety, Adjustable
Sliding Rack, And Alert Unexpected Interruption Of Electrical
Power Or Unauthorized Change.
Salient Features : [Optional]
First time in India developed by SR Lab Instruments. Stand by Refrigeration, Standby Humidification & Standby safety
controller with auto changeover, In case of failure of the main system, To run the system for a longer with uninterrupted
Also USFDA approved 21 CFR compliance software, where in
case of temp. & RH fluctuation, SMS & Email alert shall be sent
to registered user nos and minute details of operation of the
chamber can be downloaded weekly, Monthly or Quarterly.
Cabinet Construction & Insulation :
MOC of the Chamber will be: Double walled Chamber with Inner of stainless steel 304 grade & outer of GI duly pre painted PUF Insulation in between two walls
Door :Flush type doors of metal surfaces (as per above specification of metal) with proper puff insulation of above mentioned standard. Doors shall have magnetic snap-in perimeter gasket or its equivalent, self-closing cam lift gravity hinges or its equivalent, a posi-seal door closure or its equivalent. Door shall have key lockable latch handle. Doorjambs shall be made fiberglass reinforced plastic or any other suitable material compatible with constructed door.
Temperature & Humidity Range :
-10 C to +60 C, (lights ON & OFF Condition)
0 0 0 0 Resolution : 0.1 C, Accuracy : ±0.2 C, Uniformity : + 0.5 C to + 2 C
Relative humidity from 10% to 98%,
Resolution : 0.1%, Accuracy : ± 2% , Uniformity : + 3%.
Refrigeration : (Air Cooled) :
Emerson /Danfoss/Tecumseh : make compressors, 1 stage cooling system for TEMP. & Humidity Control. All accessories such as HPCO/LPCO, Oil Separators, Dryers, Relays, OLP etc. of Danfoss /Tecumseh Emerson Make. CFC free refrigerant to be used to comply with the New Environmental Regulation. Will have suitable tonnage compressor for maintain temperature with lights on. Will have hermetically sealed condensing unit compressor coupled with Evaporation coil and condenser, safe guarded by time delay circuit. Cabinet shall be supplied with air-cooled condensing unit with extended compressor life and close temperature control. Cooling system will be split type to place condenser unit in a ventilated area to avoid hot air in growth chamber. Cooled air shall be delivered in such a way to reduce or eliminate condensation within media dishes and to provide maximum uniformity In different research vessels. This may be through silent and durable fan motors or through any kind of advanced air diffusers. Air Cooled Condenser with solenoid & LP to pass hot gas to the chamber for uniformity & long life of compressor for continuous usage. Phenolic coating for cooling & condensing coils (All weather proof).
Safety Features :
2 minute compressor “on” delay timer to safeguard the compressor. Compressors overload relay protector. Electronic low water level cut off device to cut off the supply to boiler heater in case of low water level. Safety Temp. Controller. MCB for mains.
Sensor :
Rotronic Make Hygroclip non condensing type sensor for RH and PT-100 ‘A’ class for temp. calibrated from ERTL / NABL accredited labs.
Power Supply :
Single phase 230V AC, 50 Hz / Three phase 440V AC, 50 Hz.
Heating :
Good quality SS tubular heaters.
Special Features :
Humidification & Dehumidification :
Will consist of pan type humidifier tank fitted with boiler heaters, and give alarm if fault occurs or Ultrasonic Humidification System. Water reservoir tank will be connected to the humidifier. De-humidification coils are installed below the cooling coils for lower humidity.
Documentation :
To comply with the documentation requirements, we provide
IQ, OQ & PQ protocols to be executed before taking the chamber
in to for regular use, and support the supply with the following
documents with the detail operational and service manual.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Operational Manual for Controller
IQ,PQ,OQ protocols certificate.
Calibration certificate of all controlling modules with traceability.
Certificate of MOC.
Test Report of chamber prior to supply with mapping certificate.
wiring diagram for ease of service maintenance.
Certification :
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Co. D&B registered & CE mark
ISO 14001:2015 & WHO-GMP.
NSIC & MSME registered.
Electrical safety compliance 61010.
Calibration & validation certificates traceable to NABL / ERTL
accredited labs.